About Us

The Rubber Boot Club
The Rubber Boot was originally called horse crazy girls. Lauryn McAndrew and Callah Johnson have been friends for eleven years going on twelve. Both crazy about horses... all animals, but mostly horses. And both have lots of horse experience. The RBC tries to encourage rescuing horses. 


Callah Johnson

Blog: Inspire
Introduction: I live with my wonderful parents, brothers and sisters. We foster animals and volunteer at a shelter. And own three dogs and two cats. I enjoy riding and being with horses. They are my favorite animal!
Occupation: Pet sitting
Interests: Horses, rehabilitate animals, computers, drawing, painting, writing, ect...
Favorite Movies: Lord of the rings, War Horse, Secretariat, ect...
Favorite Music: Florence and the machine, U2, Tom Mcrae, ect...
Favorite Books: Atherton, knights of arrethrae, Pony Pals, and more.

 Lauryn McAndrew

Intoduction:  I'm 12 years old with 5 years worth of horsey experience. I love horse so much!
Interests: Horses, reading, writing, dogs, cats, and so much more!
Favorite Movies: Virgina's Run (horse movies) Saddle Club
Favorite Music: Hannah Montana, Laura Story, Addison Road, Tayler Swift, and SOMETIMES Selena Gomez
Favorite Books: Canterwood Crest


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